Detailed cleaning checklist


When preparing for the end of your tenancy, a detailed cleaning checklist can be your best friend. This list ensures you don't overlook any areas that could be flagged during the final inspection, thereby increasing the likelihood of receiving your full deposit back. Here's a comprehensive checklist to guide you:

Living Areas & Bedrooms

  • Dust all surfaces, including light fixtures and extractor fans.

  • Wipe down all doors, handles, and light switches.

  • Vacuum carpets and clean other types of flooring, not forgetting the edges.

  • Remove all personal items


  • Deep clean the oven, hob, and exhaust fan.

  • Wipe down all countertops and cabinets especially under the kitchen sink.

  • Clean the fridge and freezer, inside and out, switch off, and leave the doors open.

  • Sanitise the sink and all work surfaces.

  • Remove all personal items


  • Scrub the toilet, sink, and bathtub or shower.

  • Clean mirrors and any glass surfaces.

  • Wipe down all tiles, taps, and handles ensuring plugs are still present.

  • Remove all personal items


  • Clean windows inside and out where possible.

  • Wipe down window sills and ledges including removing any mould build up which can sometimes occurring in colder areas.

  • Wipe down blinds and wash curtains

Outdoor Areas

  • Sweep patios and balconies.

  • Remove all personal items

Additional Areas

  • Check for marks on the walls and try to remove them gently.

  • Empty all bins and remove any leftover rubbish.

  • Check for personal belongings in storage areas and remove all personal items.


  • Take photos of your clean property for your records.

In conclusion, a detailed cleaning checklist not only helps you organise your cleaning efforts but also serves as evidence of your due diligence. This can be particularly useful when discussing the return of your deposit with your property manager or landlord.