Inflammable Substances and Equipment

8.7.1: Tenants are not allowed to keep any dangerous or inflammable goods, materials, or substances in or on the premises, apart from those required for general household use.

Intention of the Clause:
This clause aims to ensure the safety of the property, its occupants, and the surrounding area by prohibiting the storage or use of dangerous or inflammable goods, materials, or substances, except for those required for general household use.

Why It's Important:
Understanding and adhering to this clause is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Safety: The primary concern is the safety of the tenants, neighbours, and the property itself. Inflammable substances pose a significant fire risk.

  2. Insurance: Failure to comply with this clause could void the landlord's insurance policy on the property, leading to financial repercussions for both parties.

  3. Legal Consequences: Non-compliance could result in legal action, eviction, or fines against the tenant.

  4. Property Integrity: Proper management of inflammable substances helps maintain the structural integrity of the property, preventing potential damage.

  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that safety measures are in place can provide peace of mind for both the landlord and the tenant.

By understanding the importance of this clause, tenants can contribute to a safer living environment, while landlords can ensure that their property is well-maintained and secure.