Understanding Mould in Your Property: Is It Really the Landlord's Responsibility?

We understand that discovering mould in your home can be a concerning and frustrating experience. Many tenants immediately consider mould to be a health hazard and assume it's the landlord's responsibility to fix the issue.

While we acknowledge these concerns, it's crucial to understand the root cause of the mould, which is often due to condensation. This article aims to shed light on this common issue and guide you through steps you can take to manage it effectively.

Why Does Mould Occur?

Mould is a type of fungus that thrives in damp and humid conditions. While it's true that some mould can be harmful, not all mould poses a health risk. The key to tackling mould is understanding its cause. In many cases, mould is a result of condensation, which is often due to lifestyle factors such as poor ventilation or heating.

The Role of Condensation

Condensation occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with a colder surface like a window or wall. This is a common occurrence in homes, especially during colder months. Activities like cooking, showering, and drying clothes indoors can contribute to condensation, which in turn can lead to mould.

Is It the Landlord's Responsibility?

While landlords are responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of a property, issues like mould due to condensation often fall under the tenant's responsibility. This is because lifestyle choices can significantly impact the level of moisture in a home.

What Can You Do?

  1. Improve Ventilation: Keep windows open whenever possible, especially when cooking or showering. Keeping vents on UPC windows open.

  2. Use Exhaust Fans: Make use of exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens.

  3. Avoid Drying Clothes Indoors: Try to dry clothes outside or in well-ventilated isolated areas.

  4. Maintain a Consistent Temperature: Use heating wisely to maintain a consistent indoor temperature.

  5. Move Furniture: Ensuring that furniture is not preventing air flow by being placed against walls or in front of radiators

  6. Regular Cleaning: Using an appropriate cleaning product at regular intervals


We understand that mould can be a sensitive topic, and it's natural to want immediate action. However, understanding the role of condensation can empower you to take effective steps to manage and prevent mould in your home. We are committed to providing transparent and factual information to help you enjoy a comfortable living environment.